About the Flash Zone at E. T. Truck!
We believe the best fun is good clean fun. That is why you do not see a lot of ad-sense madness or a bazillion scripts running on every page here in the ettruck.com domain. In this area you will find pages with flash embeds, mostly games, but some flicks could be fun, too.
These games are here for amusement only and freely playable at your own risk. There is no warrantee, express, or implied and ettruck.com is not responsible for any changes in your browser or computer settings or for time lost out of your life due to playing these games. What we are holding ourselves accountable to you for is the fact that the only script running on each of these games pages is the one embedding the flash game itself, so all your browser's bandwidth is available for fun.
These games connect to websites outside the ettruck.com domain and the only thing we can do if they start delivering anything funky is delete the game (or restrict access to it). At any rate, the website of the game source will be found in a link prominently displayed under each game so you can play it at their site as well as report any bugs to the game creators/distributors.
This site uses a theme based on colors for mudkips, because we, you know, heard you liked them. If you really, really like mudkips here's a link to the css for this page so you can freely share your joy in grand mudkippian style.
We appreciate sites that deliver content over advertising and intend to set an example of that sort of internet excellence.