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Welcome to the FunZone at Extra Terrestrial Trucking!

Just because Carl is retired, dosn't have to be.

Tunebox rolls out the jams. The Open Educational Resource Library is off to a pretty good start. And the NEW Flash Zone has lots of flash games to play.

Tunebox features a growing collection of our Opentape playlists and other embeddable audio streams from friends and assorted projects.

The Open Educational Resource Library was started with the California Learning Resource Network's Textbooks Collection as its first cornerstone. It is dedicated to the Librarians of Occupy every where and everyone who wants to get a better education (or freshen up the one they have). Open source college level texbooks are in the works and as soon as they are available they will be added to the collection as well.

The Flash Zone is where we're collecting little flash games that are free to embed for giggles and snickers. After discovering that one person's favorite game is often another person's belly laugh it was decided to go for a wide variety for maximum hilarity in these tough times. It is still under development (some side menu links go to pages that have not yet been created), but usable by the alphabetical listing navs for anybody with a back button.

Besides downloadable flash games Free Games Jungle, otherwise known as, offers this embed with several color options (themes). Get the embed script to add content like this to your site. Or get the flash files and start your own "Game Zone" at your web space as we have done here (which can't just be copied to a "wall" like embed codes can).

Copyright © 2012 - Ric Frye [at] ettruck [dot] com