Hey! It's been awhile!

Since my last post I have done a stint providing gear for open mic night jams at a joint that has how been out of business for a year. All I got out of it was a domain, good old windyridgesaloon.com, and a bunch of recordings.

Having moved to a new house there is now room for a small home studio / jam space. I have been going through the archives, pulling out sessions and songs that need a little TLC to be product.

Posted on 30 Aug 2019, 8:28 - Category: News
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Community FM

It's been six months now since I tossed my head in the ring to wear a few hats for our budding low power FM station, and I must admit things are going better than my fears for the worst, but not exactly as I dreamed.

All in all, it's going pretty well, even if the participation we had hoped would jump on board at the outset.

There is still a lot of excitement among the younger crowd about the idea of having a station for our zip code.

As far as die hard organizers, it'.s pretty much Cory and I so far, and I couldn't have ever dreamed I'd ever be lucky enough to have a media production partner like her. Thank You Cosmic Forces!

Posted on 20 Apr 2014, 16:48 - Category: Activism
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An Open Educational Resource Library - 2013

Things are progressing, the archive is growing, the texts for the California Learning Resource Network Textbooks Collection are uploaded (along with some updates in sciences) and we are eagerly awaiting the college level open textbooks that are projected to be released this year. OpenTexts at high school level was what was available and a dandy cornerstone for the whole project so that's what I went with. Anyone needing a text to study for a GED or any teacher with students at that level who cannot afford to help turn more trees into paper pulp can get it without having to log in or give up ANY info to get what they need. The only ones who log in are the archivists, not the public, just as any public service on the internet should be.

But the meta data still needs a going over with a fine tooth comb and a preening applied if errors or omissions are found.

In other words it needs a real librarian instead of a bibliophile at the helm, but the stuff is openly accessible and there are interesting and useful things to find and I'll keep adding what I can the best I can and keep encouraging others to do the same until the experts show up.

Some collections may only have one item, thereby currently oxymoronizing the concept of just what a collection is, but each of those singular items is the cornerstone for its collection and more stuff will be added before too long and that little LOLWUT? will fade away.

We are still on track to be one little pocket of light where the internet is open and free as it used to be. Being one more little node on the Good Knowledge Network that is the Libraries of Occupy is a fine thing to be, no matter how big (or small) your bookcase is.

Posted on 13 Feb 2013, 24:42 - Category: Activism
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Happy 4th of July 2012!

Not much going on at ettruck.com outside the new Open Educational Resources Library in the old ows sub-domain and planning for the same games area of flash games that we were planning a long time ago. Now that the lost folder of game files has been re-discovered interest is picking up in getting the games area going just for lulz.

The web template is not decided, let alone html5, and so it goes.

I had thought that a wiki engine would be good for the gamers to share tricks and tips, but I don't want to be stuck baby sitting that and I know none of the other crew are going to volunteer. So don't hold your breath. (Especially since Carl's last batch of tape head cleaner is finished. This isn't that old 70% Isopropyl stuff this is the 90+ percent deluxe ethanol tape head cleaner that keeps the tape drag low).

The new transmission fluid cooling unit for the boat has arrived and everyone is focused on getting that job scheduled in among the gardening, yard work, and 4th of July partying while I'm still waiting for the jams.

Have a Safe and Happy 4th!

Posted on 2 Jul 2012, 22:17 - Category: Ettruck
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Operation Sons of 1984

The revolution's here? Now?

Quick! Load ALL the internets!

Since we have no monies to send to the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators and it's w-a-a-a-y too far to walk some pizzas and fresh garden stuff over to Liberty Plaza, but I love all those folks and wanna help somehow ... witness the launch of Operation Sons of 1984, based on themes and memes found in that great old tune by Todd Rundgren, lifting a line for the catchphrase:
"I can still see the great panorama of hate / Being cleansed by our loving hands...".

The An Occupy Wallstreet Wiki is like a community bulletin board anywhere. Anybody can not only stick something to it, they can respond to stuff other folks have stuck there, hence the appellation AnoniWikiSpace for the mode for what goes on there, which is manifested as One User One Wall and 1user1wiki to show solidarity with the demonstrators and other supporters.

Then Carl OK'd hosting at ettruck.com and a basic pligg powered OWS News engine was given a sub-domain so the Demonstrators and support groups can report links to News important to them, vote on the articles & comment on them.

Current categories are:

*Resources - for new + developing resources

*OWSNews - OWS general category

*LocalGroups - for local groups to post updates

*OWS Wins - for posting our victories great and small!

*Blogs-OWS- for links to blog posts about or pertaining to the Occupy Wall Street movement.

*OWS Press - OWS in the Press or (official) OWS Press? Stay tuned!

*People - articles about individuals and celebs

*PoliceState - when the State goes over the line

It's nice that tools like this are not only info sharing tools, but ones that give freedom to build consensus about ideas and information by a member base with a focused interest.

And a An Occupy Wall Street Media Wiki has been started in another sub-domain. The media wiki is intended as a place to mirror content created in the open access community wiki for archival in a more formal wiki environment.

So far so good. Up the Occupation!

And I still trust Annie with all my <3. You should, too.

Posted on 3 Oct 2011, 1:12 - Category: Activism
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The Tide

My friend Annie has written a little ditty called The Tide, a protest song inspired by the courage and determination of the protesters in Africa and the Middle East, written with the goal of helping, in some small way, to turn the Arab Spring into a global tide of awareness and solidarity.

"A song of peaceful revolution and empowerment. A song about the growing global movement of citizen awareness and an emerging solidarity."

Annie is a lady that has a lot more going on than one short song. She also has a five part animated satire of American conspiracies called "Conspiracy! The Series" and is an accomplished poet.

She has recently founded The Consumer Party on the concept of changing the world by the way we spend, or, in the case of corporations that do not conform to sustainability standards, how we do not spend.

And she has founded 1world1wage, which is based on the concept of establishing uniform global wage requirements, thereby inhibiting corporate exploitation and abuse of third world nations while helping protect jobs in the Old and New worlds from outsourcing. Annie has started a petition to the U.N. for a Global Labor Treaty. I encourage everyone interested in global nonviolent social change to at least give it a lookover and a signature, but what I would really love to see is every one read it, sign it (with thoughtful, spell-checked comment), and give a shout or holla about it everywhere you can without spamming anybody. Do it for me. Do it for Annie. Do it for yourself. Do it for the World. Do it to piss off the Banksters and Fat Cats. Do it for any reason you can come up with. Do it for no reason at all. Just Do It!

Become the Tide

Posted on 25 Sep 2011, 21:43 - Category: Activism
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The Public Party

Perhaps this time around Americans will form a coalition of Independents to vote in more sane representatives who won't sell us out to the banksters and corporations.

We have two corporate parties. It's way past time for a party that will actually represent the portions of the American Public who are their constituents. A Public Party. An American Party. An American Public Party. An E Pluribus Unim Party. A Revenge of the Nerds Party. The only thing that matters about the name is how whatever a coalition of Independent Americans would be is spelled in the history books.

That's my American Dream

It will be realized when my fellow Americans vote to put the Reds and the Blues on the sidelines for ONE full rotation on the old election cycle to get people who to do the bidding of the constituents instead of the usual pimps and scoundrels that bought our Federal government away from all of US decades ago.

The Public Domain is shrinking as fast as the middle class as our common rights and resources are sold to the highest corporate bidders as a purported public service.

We need Real Citizens to represent us. People who won't sell us out because they are patriots and our Rights and Liberties granted to us all under the Constitution are not for sale. American Representation for the American Public instead of the "public service" we've been getting from the usual narcissistic pimps and whores.

We need patriotic Americans who will prosecute the banksters and scoudrels who steal money from the American Public into the future generations where every new citizen born enters our nation will a share of a National Debt on the tens of thousands. People who steal from our children should be prosecuted criminally and civilly and their assets seized to pay back what they stole.

If the American Public had true representation that is what would be happening now.

The Reds and Blues forget there is another color on the American flag and it's past time Independents take it for their own.

Posted on 17 Jun 2011, 24:24 - Category: Elections
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A Perfect Photographic Memory of You

The new single A Perfect Photographic Memory of You by Kirk Philipsen is finally in the can! And there is a fun, rough-mix, ''studio rush'' posted online to listen to.

We did the final lead track yesterday and blasted out a rough mix on the old near fields with each one of us moving sliders up and down, twirling knobs, and mucking about sort of in one another's way for 3 minutes and 33 seconds.

Then we uploaded the resulting mix to Kirk's home playlist on dial-up and I played it fine on a couple DSL connections back in town. It's playing fine as I post on this Lucid Puppy Linux boot (formerly Win98) of an old Gateway PII with 256M of RAM and a 10/100 ethernet card on DSL.

Kirk has a lot of tracks to play with, mix, and master, so he will be busy for a little while as he works on finalizing the song. There is a lot to map for this mix so I don't expect anything over night.

There will be some changes in the final mix, which will be out fairly soon and available on Kirk's CD baby page.

Posted on 9 Jun 2011, 14:49 - Category: News
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New Hemp Video Pages

Hemp History 101 - Part 1
Hemp Farming
Industrial Hemp Farming
Hemp Oil Nutrutional Profile
Cannabinoid System in Neuroprotection
Daryll Hannah LoveLife Number 8
Hemp For Building
Hemp For Victory
Hemp In Colonial Times
Hemp Museum
Hemp Revolution

Posted on 19 May 2011, 7:23 - Category: Hemp Site News
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New Stuff Going On

Added a NewsDesk page that features blurbs highlighting the last three additions to the ettruck domain and a little site map snapshot of the day like the one below.

Extra Terrestrial Trucking
ET TiddlyWiki
Learning About Industrial Hemp
Hemp Audio Playlist
Conspiracies Page
Hemp Videos Page
Hemp WebRings
Hemp Widgets
New Learning About Industrial Hemp Wiki
Ric's Home Page
Ric's Mini-blog
Songs For Lonely Highways
Masters Blend
Gary Larson

Posted on 19 May 2011, 13:47 - Category: News
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